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Automate tedious workflows with your new

AI Teammate Adam

AI Teammate Adam

AI Teammate Adam

AI Teammate Adam

AI Teammate Adam

for bold Wholesalers

Centralize your communication, automate order entry, quote generation, data insights, and more.

Supported by


by wholesalers across all industries

  • "Using Hoshī has simply shown us how much untapped potential we have internally."


    Chemische Distribution

  • "It is a pleasure to work with the team. It's impressive how Adam can help our employees to focus on the essentials."


    F&B Grosshandel

  • "I wish I'd had something like this when I was younger. The absence of redundant work is wonderful"


    Medical Wholesale

Wholesalers who already use






Your ERP system is disconnected from all your workflows. Processing orders, quotes, and questions from your customers should not be a tedious, complex and time-consuming task. This is why we have developed Hoshii.


is Hoshii?

We are the world's first AI Workspace Platform (AWP) for your inbound sales teams.

Use our AWP to structure inbound communication from your channels (phone, email, WhatsApp, etc.) and transfer requests & information seamlessly into your ERP system.

We are the world's first AI Workspace Platform (AWP) for your inbound sales teams. Use our AWP to structure inbound communication from your channels (phone, email, WhatsApp, etc.) and transfer requests & information seamlessly into your ERP system.


can Hoshii help you to grow your business?

to grow your business?

By using Hoshii, your employees, who are your most valuable asset, will have more time to dedicate their newly gained time towards growth. Increase your customer satisfaction, focus on sales and increase basket sizes across new and existing customers.


time & money

More productive teams


Saved per teammate per week

Increased sales


Increased basket size

Fewer errors


Reduced manual mistakes




Ihr ERP-System ist von allen Ihren Arbeitsabläufen abgeschnitten. Die Bearbeitung von Aufträgen, Angeboten und Fragen Ihrer Kunden sollte keine mühsame, komplexe und zeitraubende Aufgabe sein. Aus diesem Grund haben wir Hoshii entwickelt.


ist Hoshii?

Wir haben die weltweit erste AI Workspace Platform (AWP) für den Verkaufsinnendienst entwickelt. Nutzen Sie unsere AWP, um eingehende Nachrichten aus Ihren Kanälen (Telefon, E-Mail, WhatsApp, etc.) zu strukturieren und relevante Anfragen & Informationen nahtlos in Ihr ERP-System zu übertragen.


ihnen Hoshii dabei hilft zu wachsen

Durch Hoshii gewinnen Ihre Mitarbeitenden, Ihr grösstes ungenutzte Potential, mehr Zeit um mit Ihnen Ihr Unternehmen zu wachsen. Steigern Sie Ihre Kundenzufriedenheit, legen Sie den Fokus auf den Verkauf und erhöhen Sie die Grösse der Warenkörbe für neue sowie bestehende Kunden.

Zeit & Geld


Produktivere Teams


einsparen pro Mitarbeiter pro Woche

Verkauf erhöhen


Erhöhte Warenkorbgrösse

Weniger Fehler


Verringerte Fehlerquote



is simply efficient

We add value, where it is needed most.

Becoming your hyper personal

AI co-worker

Fast, intuitive, seamless experience

Stop working between 2-3 open tabs. From Inbox to ERP in seconds, connecting your communication channels and ERP system with each other. Let Adam help you process orders, create quotes, and structure your messages.

Would you like a demo?

Supports B2B Sales with AI

Stop working with assumptions and let Adam give you proper sales analytics by extracting actionable AI insights directly from your ERP.

Would you like a demo?

Adam is your forever-senior employee

Let your employees chat with Adam as a team member. Let Adam extract sales insights, find relevant past conversations and suggest marketing strategies directly from your ERP and other connected data sources with a simple question.

Let your employees chat with Adam as a team member. Let Adam extract sales insights, find relevant past conversations and suggest marketing strategies directly from your ERP and other connected data sources with a simple question.AI co-worker

Would you like a demo?

Your all-new Email interface

With Hoshii you receive a next-generation Email interface supercharged with Adam's AI capabilities. Let Adam know how to automatically tag your emails, who to assign them to and what kind information to extract from each incoming orders or quotation request.

Would you like a demo?



einfach effizient

Wir schaffen dort Mehrwert, wo er am dringendsten benötigt wird.

Becoming your hyper personal

AI co-worker

Schnelles, intuitives und nahtloses Erlebnis

Arbeiten Sie nicht mehr zwischen 2-3 offenen Tabs. Vom Posteingang bis zum ERP in Sekundenschnelle, indem Sie Ihre Kommunikationskanäle und Ihr ERP-System miteinander verbinden. Lassen Sie sich von Adam dabei helfen, Aufträge zu bearbeiten, Angebote zu erstellen und Ihre Nachrichten zu strukturieren.

Wollen Sie eine Demo?

B2B-Vertrieb mit KI

Hören Sie auf, mit Annahmen zu arbeiten, und lassen Sie sich von Adam die notwendigen Analysen für den Vertrieb liefern, indem Sie verwertbare KI-Einsichten direkt aus Ihrem ERP-System extrahieren.

Wollen Sie eine Demo?

Adam ist Ihr Mitarbeiter für die Ewigkeit

Lassen Sie Adam Ihnen Einblicke in den Vertrieb gewinnen, relevante Interaktionen aus der Vergangenheit finden und Marketingstrategien direkt aus Ihrem ERP und anderen verbundenen Datenquellen mit einer einzigen Frage ableiten.

Wollen Sie eine Demo?

Ihr völlig neues E-Mail erlebnis

Mit Hoshii erhalten Sie eine neue E-Mail UI der nächsten Generation, die durch die KI-Fähigkeiten von Adam ergänzt werden. Lassen Sie Adam Ihre E-Mails automatisch kategorisieren sowie einen "Workflow" für Sie anlegen. Tauschen Sie sich mit Ihren Teamkollegen aus und verarbeiten Sie alles direkt und unkompliziert ins ERP über die Schnittstelle. Kein Abtippen nötig.

Wollen Sie eine Demo?


We have built the world's first

AI Workspace Platform

for wholesalers

The AWP is the new standard for modern distributors. Enable your communication system and ERP to communicate with each other seamlessly. The integrated AI agent Adam automates your workflows and generates incredible data insights that would simply be untappable.

Elevate your


to the next level

We work closely with ERP providers from all industries to make their data AI compatible. Simply put, we use special databases and ways to enable AI capabilities on top of your ERP system and bring it to use by integrating your communication channels as well!

Turn your data into


Turn the untapped potential from your communication channels and ERP system into literal gold. Automate processes, extract valuable data insights and enrich your ERP with new industry-relevant data.


Wir haben die weltweit erste

AI Workspace Platform

für Grosshändler gebaut

Die AWP ist der neue Standard für moderne Großhändler. Ermöglichen Sie es Ihrem Kommunikationssystem und Ihrem ERP, nahtlos miteinander zu kommunizieren. Der integrierte co-pilot Adam automatisiert Ihre Arbeitsabläufe und generiert unglaubliche Dateneinblicke, die sonst nicht nutzbar wären.

Bringen Sie Ihr


auf eine neue Ebene

Wir arbeiten eng mit ERP-Anbietern aus allen Branchen zusammen, um ihre Daten KI-fähig zu machen. Einfach ausgedrückt: Wir nutzen spezielle Datenbanken und Wege, um KI-Funktionen auf Ihrem ERP-System zu ermöglichen und sie durch die Integration Ihrer Kommunikationskanäle auch nutzbar zu machen!

Machen Sie Ihre Daten zu


Machen Sie das ungenutzte Potenzial Ihrer Kommunikationskanäle und Ihres ERP-Systems buchstäblich zu Gold. Automatisieren Sie Prozesse, gewinnen Sie wertvolle Dateneinblicke und bereichern Sie Ihr ERP mit neuen branchenrelevanten Daten.

AI Workspace Platform

AI Collaboration

AI Collaboration

AI workflow automation

AI workflow automation

AI workflow automation

AI workflow automation

AI workflow automation

Cross-Sell recommendation

Cross-Sell recommendation

Cross-Sell recommendation

Cross-Sell recommendation

Cross-Sell recommendation

Churn warning

Churn warning

Churn warning

Churn warning

Churn warning

Prediction analysis

Prediction analysis

Prediction analysis

Prediction analysis

Prediction analysis

Team collaboration

Team collaboration

Team collaboration

Team collaboration

Team collaboration

External data aggregation

External data aggregation

External data aggregation

External data aggregation

External data aggregation






Being productive and bold is

not difficult

Plug & Play

Artificially Intelligent

Secure & Reliable

Plug & Play solution

We integrate with ERP systems of all shapes and sizes. If your ERP provider is part of our Local Hero Network, you can simply plug & play Hoshii and start using your AWP in record speed.

Plug & Play

Artificially Intelligent

Secure & Reliable

Plug & Play solution

We integrate with ERP systems of all shapes and sizes. If your ERP provider is part of our Local Hero Network, you can simply plug & play Hoshii and start using your AWP in record speed.

Plug & Play

Artificially Intelligent

Secure & Reliable

Plug & Play solution

We integrate with ERP systems of all shapes and sizes. If your ERP provider is part of our Local Hero Network, you can simply plug & play Hoshii and start using your AWP in record speed.

Plug & Play

Artificially Intelligent

Secure & Reliable

Plug & Play solution

We integrate with ERP systems of all shapes and sizes. If your ERP provider is part of our Local Hero Network, you can simply plug & play Hoshii and start using your AWP in record speed.

Plug & Play

Artificially Intelligent

Secure & Reliable

Plug & Play solution

We integrate with ERP systems of all shapes and sizes. If your ERP provider is part of our Local Hero Network, you can simply plug & play Hoshii and start using your AWP in record speed.

Would you like a demo?

We are


we love cheese 🧀 and keeping your data secure 🔐

SOC 2 Type II





Which ERP systems do you support?

We support all types of ERP systems, as long as they are accessible via a REST/SOAP API. We also support custom integrations over FTP/SFTP for the older systems.

Does Hoshii only process orders?

Hoshii is an AI workspace platform before all. Processing orders is only one part of the story. What we provide you with is an all-in-one platform to manage your communication, transfer information from and to your ERP, and invaluable sales insights.

Does Adam learn over time?

Adam is like any new employee. He will start learning about your business and its specifics over the course of time, becoming your forever senior employee!

How long does an integration take?

This heavily depends on your ERP provider, the type of connection as well as other details. Contact us for a more precise answer, we are very easy going and will be happy to answer you in a call or via email.

Do I need to replace my Email client?

No, with Hoshii you can keep your email client and simply forward messages. This alone unlocks almost all features.

Which ERP systems do you support?

We support all types of ERP systems, as long as they are accessible via a REST/SOAP API. We also support custom integrations over FTP/SFTP for the older systems.

Does Hoshii only process orders?

Hoshii is an AI workspace platform before all. Processing orders is only one part of the story. What we provide you with is an all-in-one platform to manage your communication, transfer information from and to your ERP, and invaluable sales insights.

Does Adam learn over time?

Adam is like any new employee. He will start learning about your business and its specifics over the course of time, becoming your forever senior employee!

How long does an integration take?

This heavily depends on your ERP provider, the type of connection as well as other details. Contact us for a more precise answer, we are very easy going and will be happy to answer you in a call or via email.

Do I need to replace my Email client?

No, with Hoshii you can keep your email client and simply forward messages. This alone unlocks almost all features.

Which ERP systems do you support?

We support all types of ERP systems, as long as they are accessible via a REST/SOAP API. We also support custom integrations over FTP/SFTP for the older systems.

Does Hoshii only process orders?

Hoshii is an AI workspace platform before all. Processing orders is only one part of the story. What we provide you with is an all-in-one platform to manage your communication, transfer information from and to your ERP, and invaluable sales insights.

Does Adam learn over time?

Adam is like any new employee. He will start learning about your business and its specifics over the course of time, becoming your forever senior employee!

How long does an integration take?

This heavily depends on your ERP provider, the type of connection as well as other details. Contact us for a more precise answer, we are very easy going and will be happy to answer you in a call or via email.

Do I need to replace my Email client?

No, with Hoshii you can keep your email client and simply forward messages. This alone unlocks almost all features.

Which ERP systems do you support?

We support all types of ERP systems, as long as they are accessible via a REST/SOAP API. We also support custom integrations over FTP/SFTP for the older systems.

Does Hoshii only process orders?

Hoshii is an AI workspace platform before all. Processing orders is only one part of the story. What we provide you with is an all-in-one platform to manage your communication, transfer information from and to your ERP, and invaluable sales insights.

Does Adam learn over time?

Adam is like any new employee. He will start learning about your business and its specifics over the course of time, becoming your forever senior employee!

How long does an integration take?

This heavily depends on your ERP provider, the type of connection as well as other details. Contact us for a more precise answer, we are very easy going and will be happy to answer you in a call or via email.

Do I need to replace my Email client?

No, with Hoshii you can keep your email client and simply forward messages. This alone unlocks almost all features.

Which ERP systems do you support?